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Easy-Fill Application


As part of the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) application process and as required by law, you must be fingerprinted if you have not been fingerprinted by CSLB before or if your previous fingerprint record was purged by CSLB due to a voided application; disassociated, revoked, or cancelled license or registration; or for some other reason. After an application is accepted by CSLB as complete (also known as "posted"), the applicant will be sent instructions on the process for obtaining and submitting fingerprints, usually via live scan electronic transmission.

Your fingerprints will be compared to the records of the California Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If you have ever been convicted of a crime, your criminal record information will be reported to CSLB. This includes DUIs and other Vehicle Code violations resulting in a conviction. Even if you pled "no contest," had the conviction set aside, or judgment deferred pursuant to Penal Code sections 1000 or 1203.4 (commonly understood as "expunged"), the past conviction will still be reported to CSLB.

Under certain circumstances, CSLB may request that you provide mitigating information regarding your criminal history by completing and submitting the Disclosure Statement Regarding Criminal Plea/Conviction form that is available on CSLB’s website on the Forms and Applications page. CSLB’s Criminal Background Unit will contact you if it is requesting this additional information. If so, you can complete the disclosure and send an email scan of it to or fax to 916-255-4135.

Applicants with criminal convictions are not automatically denied licensure - each application is reviewed individually based on the applicable sections of law. When reviewing criminal convictions, CSLB considers factors such as the nature and severity of the crimes, the amount of time that has passed since the convictions, and any evidence of rehabilitation submitted by the applicant. CSLB has several regulations to review criminal convictions, including Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations sections 868, 868.1, and 869. Section 868 guides how to evaluate whether a crime is substantially related to the qualifications, duties, or functions of a licensee or registrant; Section 868.1 guides whether a felony financial crime is directly and adversely related to the fiduciary qualifications, duties, or functions of a licensee or registrant; and Section 869 guides whether an applicant has made a showing of rehabilitation.

For rehabilitation evaluation, in addition to other evidence of rehabilitation, CSLB is generally looking at how much time has passed since the conviction without further violations of law.

This is an Easy-Fill form that will walk you through the process to fully and accurately complete this form. Upon completion, you will be required to print and submit the document to CSLB.


Be sure to use the "Back" and "Next" buttons at the bottom of each page - do not use your browser's back arrow because all of your entered information will be erased and you will have to start over.

Please type your information directly into the fields of this form. If you copy text from another application or document and paste it into this Easy-Fill form and the text contains invalid (non-ASCII) characters, they will be removed from the final document.

Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete the entire form in one sitting. You will not be able to save a partially filled form to complete at a later time.

To print or order a blank form, please click here to be redirected to CSLB's "Forms and Applications" page.
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Please be aware that nearly half of all applications submitted to CSLB are inaccurate or incomplete and must be returned for correction.

Please complete your application in its entirety to ensure that your application is accepted for processing by CSLB.

After an application has been accepted by CSLB as complete (also known as "posted"), the applicant will be sent instructions on the process for obtaining and submitting fingerprints, as required by law. (Business and Professions Code sections 144 and 7069)

An incomplete application can needlessly delay your license. Delays can last several weeks or even months and possibly result in the application being deemed abandoned and becoming void and the application fee being forfeited. (Business and Professions Code sections 7074 and 7138 and Title 16, California Code of Regulations section 813)

Spending a few extra minutes now may save you weeks or months later!

Before you submit your application, follow these simple directions.

  • Sign the form.
  • Fill out all applicable information.

Carefully read the General Information and Instructions that immediately precede the application package and follow the specific instructions that are contained throughout the application to help ensure that your application is complete and accurate.

Please be aware that there are no schools or application preparation organizations that are affiliated with or agents of CSLB, although some may have company names that are confusingly similar to CSLB. If you discover that an organization has misrepresented itself as being associated with CSLB, you should submit a complaint to CSLB or the California Department of Consumer Affairs. Official CSLB examination study guides are available free of charge on CSLB's website.

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General Information and Instructions

Application Fees

Application fee $125

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Listed below is general information to assist you as you complete the attached application. Detailed instructions are provided on the application. For more information about the Contractors State License Board's (CSLB) hazardous substance removal and remedial actions certification, please refer to Business and Professions Code (BPC) section 7058.7 (see below for an excerpt).

Contractors who perform hazardous substance removal work at specific sites, including the installation or removal of underground storage tanks, must complete this application and pass the examination for hazardous substances certification to add the certification to their existing licenses. Eligibility for this certification is limited to licenses having the following classifications:

  • A - General Engineering
  • B - General Building
  • C-12 - Earthwork and Paving
  • C-36 - Plumbing
  • C-57 - Well Drilling
  • C-61/D-40 - Limited Specialty category for Service Station Equipment and Maintenance

Do not submit this General Information and Instructions section with your completed application - the actual application begins immediately following this section on Application - Page 1 of 2. Before you submit your application, please review and be sure that you have complied with the following items.

  • Enclose the nonrefundable $125 application fee with your completed application to add the hazardous substance removal and remedial actions certification to an existing license. CSLB cannot process your application without the appropriate fee made payable to the Registrar of Contractors. (Business and Professions Code [BPC] sections 7137) Examination fees are paid directly to CSLB’s approved testing vendor when the examinations are scheduled.
  • Your application may be returned to you if it is insufficient or incomplete. You must provide any missing information, make corrections, and resubmit your completed application to CSLB within 90 days after the date that it was returned to you, or your application will be deemed abandoned and become void. You cannot reinstate a void application - you must submit a new application and application fee if you wish to reapply.
  • Your license must be in good standing (i.e., renewed active or inactive, but not expired or suspended) before the certification can be added.

Complete the application and all accompanying forms legibly in black or dark blue ink, or on CSLB's website using the Easy-Fill feature. Please make sure that you and other authorized individuals sign and date the forms, where applicable.

  • Leave no space blank. If a particular question or request for information does not apply to you, write "N/A" in the blank space to indicate you have read the question and determined that it is not applicable.
  • The “#” symbol is used interchangeably with the word “number” where space is limited on the application.


BPC section 7058.7 states, in part, "(a) No contractor may engage in a removal or remedial action, as defined in subdivision (d), unless the qualifier for the license has passed an approved hazardous substance certification examination.

* * *

(d) For purposes of this section 'removal or remedial action' has the same meaning as found in Chapter 6.8 (commencing with Section 25300) of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code, if the action requires the contractor to dig into the surface of the earth and remove the dug material and the action is at a site listed pursuant to Section 25356 of the Health and Safety Code or any other site listed as a hazardous substance release site by the Department of Toxic Substances Control or a site listed on the National Priorities List compiled pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 9601 et seq.). 'Removal or remedial action' does not include asbestos-related work, as defined in Section 6501.8 of the Labor Code, or work related to a hazardous substance spill on a highway.

(e) (1) A contractor may not install or remove an underground storage tank, unless the contractor has passed the hazardous substance certification examination developed pursuant to this section.

(2) A contractor who is not certified may bid on or contract for the installation or removal of an underground tank, if the work is performed by a contractor who is certified pursuant to this section.

(3) For purposes of this subdivision, 'underground storage tank' has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (y) of Section 25281 of the Health and Safety Code."

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Business Name and Addresses, Phone and Email (Boxes 1 - 6 on the application)

You must provide the existing business name and addresses as licensed with CSLB, as well as the existing CSLB license number (Box 2). The classifications currently held by the contractor must be listed in Box 3 (see previous page regarding allowable classifications). You are also asked to provide business phone and fax numbers and a business email address.

  • Your business address of record (mailing address) is made available to the public - it is published on CSLB's website and is used for all official correspondence, notices, and orders from CSLB, such as renewal notices. P.O. boxes and private mail boxes (PMB) are acceptable for the address of record.
  • Your business street address is used only for CSLB's internal administrative purposes - it is not published on CSLB's website. P.O. boxes and PMBs are not acceptable for the business street address.
  • You are also asked to provide business phone and business fax numbers and a business email address. Your business phone number is published on CSLB's website. If you have an email address at which you are currently receiving email, you must provide it. (BPC 7083.2) The email provided will not be part of your public license record. CSLB emails important license updates and changes to the law that may affect your license. All emails CSLB sends to the email address you provided are presumed to be received.

To change your existing license’s business name, you must complete and submit the Application to Change Contractor Business Name (13L-4). In accordance with BPC section 7059.1, the business name for a contractor license must not be misleading in relation to the classification(s) issued to that license and must be compatible with the type of business entity licensed. To change the license’s current address, submit form 13L-30 Application to Change Business or Personnel Address.

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The qualifying individual on the license must complete the personnel information requested in Section 2 of the application for the hazardous substance removal and remedial actions certification.

  • Line 7 - Full legal names are required. You must provide the full legal name of the qualifier. If the individual does not have a middle name, write "None" or "No Middle Name" in the space provided. If they have only an initial for their first or middle name, write "(Initial Only)" after the initial.
  • Provide qualifier's date of birth where requested.
  • All applicants are required to provide their U.S. Social Security number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) if an individual does not have an SSN.
  • Boxes 8 and 9 - You must also provide a residence street address for the qualifier that will be used only for CSLB's internal administrative purposes - it will not be published on CSLB's website. P.O. boxes and PMBs are not acceptable for the qualifier's residence street address. Also enter the qualifier's home phone number, fax number, email address, and driver license number.
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Be sure to include the existing licensee’s business name at the top of Page 2 where requested. All questions must be answered, and all requested explanations and documentation must be provided, or the application will be returned for correction. Failure to thoroughly and accurately complete this section of the application can delay the licensure process or result in denial of the application.

Fingerprint Requirement

Please be sure to read the Important Notice Regarding Convictions on the front of this application packet. All applicants for licensure are required to submit a full set of fingerprints for the purpose of conducting a criminal background check. Fingerprints will be compared to the records of the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to determine whether a criminal history exists. Your hazardous substance removal and remedial actions certification cannot be issued until CSLB receives fingerprint results from both DOJ and FBI. Even though you may have been fingerprinted previously for an employer or another regulatory body, you will need to undergo the fingerprinting and criminal history check process again specifically for CSLB, unless you have previously fingerprinted for CSLB and the results are still available and active on record with CSLB. California Penal Code section 11142 prohibits criminal history information from being released to any entity other than the requesting agency that you have authorized to receive it.

After an application has been accepted by CSLB as complete (also known as “posted”), each individual listed on the application who needs to fingerprint will be sent instructions on the process for obtaining and submitting fingerprints. Individuals in California are required to fingerprint by electronic live scan; individuals outside of California can fingerprint either by electronic live scan in California or by submitting hard card fingerprints that are completed in the applicant’s location, as explained in the instructions that are sent after the application has been posted. Please note that submitting hard card fingerprints can significantly delay the licensure process due to the extra processing needed at DOJ and FBI. For more information, please visit CSLB's website and view information on the Applicants page.

Military Service (Questions 13 and 14 on the application)

Expedited Processing for Military Personnel

CSLB will expedite the licensure process and reduce the initial licensing fee by 50% for an applicant who is a current active duty member of the Armed Forces or who was not dishonorably discharged after having served as an active-duty member of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard or Reserves. Please provide the following documentation: Evidence of your current military duty (copy of your military orders) or your previous military service (copy of your latest DD 214 long form – Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty showing discharge status or a copy of a current and valid driver’s license or identification card issued by this state or another state with the word “Veteran” printed on its face or for California National Guard discharge status (copy of your NGB 22 form).

Expedited Processing and Fee Waiver for Military Personnel Spouses or Domestic Partners

CSLB will expedite the license process and waive the licensure fees for an applicant who:

  • Is married to, or in a domestic partnership or other legal union with, an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is assigned to a duty station in California under official active duty military orders.
  • Holds a current license in another state, district, or territory of the United States in the profession or vocation for which the applicant seeks a license from the board.

If you answer “Yes” to question 19 and you would like to be considered for this expedited processing and waiver of licensure fees, please provide a copy of your current license from the other state, district, or territory of the United States documenting a contractor license, registration, permit, or certificate in the same classification for which you are seeking licensure AND documentation of your marriage or legal union AND your spouse’s or partner’s active military duty. For example, in addition to the licensure documentation, attach a copy of the marriage certificate or certified declaration/registration of domestic partnership filed with the Secretary of State AND military orders establishing a duty station in California. For other forms of “legal union” not recognized by California, you may submit other documentary evidence of legal union issued by the state that recognizes your legal union for consideration by CSLB in meeting this requirement.

If all of the above-mentioned requirements are met and all the required documentation is submitted with the application, the application fee and the initial license fee will be waived. All other fees will still be required.

Translator for Examination (Question 15 on the application)

Check the “Yes” box if you have difficulty understanding or reading the English language and you would like to use a translator to read the examination to you. Complete question #15 by listing in what language your translator will read the exam. The translator you choose must be approved in advance by CSLB. If you check the “Yes” box, information will be sent to you regarding the translator process. Some of CSLB’s examinations have been translated into Spanish. If the applicant selects “Spanish” as their preferred language and there is an examination available in that language, they will be scheduled for that examination.

Immigration Status Expedites (Question 16 on the application)

CSLB will expedite the licensure process for an applicant who immigrated to the United States of America in certain circumstances. Please check the “yes” box to question 16 on this application if:

  • You were admitted to the United States as a refugee pursuant to section 1157 of title 8 of the United States Code;
  • You were granted asylum by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the United States Attorney General pursuant to section 1158 of title 8 of the United States Code; or,
  • You have a special immigrant visa and were granted a status pursuant to section 1244 of Public Law 110-181, Public Law 109-163, or section 602(b) of title VI of division F of Public Law 111-8, relating to Iraqi and Afghan translators/interpreters or those who worked for or on behalf of the United States government.

If you selected YES, you must attach evidence of your status as a refugee, asylee, or special immigrant visa holder. Failure to do so may result in application review delays. Acceptable evidence includes:

  • Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record, with an admission class code such as “RE” (Refugee) or “AY” (Asylee) or other information designating the person a refugee or asylee.
  • Special immigrant visa that includes “SI” or “SQ.”
  • Permanent Resident Card (Form I-551), commonly known as a “Green Card,” with a category designation indicating that the person was admitted as a refugee or asylee.
  • An order from a court of competent jurisdiction or other documentary evidence that provides reasonable assurance that the applicant qualifies for expedited licensure.
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You must print and sign your name and indicate the date below the certification statement at the bottom of Page 2 of the application. Failure to sign your application will result in the application being returned to you for correction. Two signatures are required on the application when the qualifier for the certification is a responsible managing employee.

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The qualifying individual for a contractor license is required to pass the written Law and Business Examination and a specific trade examination if required (BPC section 7065) unless they meet the requirements for a waiver (see next page for information regarding examination waivers). These examinations are administered by an approved testing vendor and fees for the exams are paid directly to the vendor by the applicant. Information about scheduling exams will be mailed once the application is posted. Official CSLB examination study guides are available free of charge on CSLB’s website under the Applicants tab. These study guides are available in English and Spanish.

Reasonable Accommodation - The Americans with Disabilities Act

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), CSLB provides reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities that may affect their ability to take the required examinations. Applicants wishing to request reasonable accommodation pursuant to the ADA must complete the Special Accommodation Request for Examination form (available on the Forms and Applications page on CSLB's website) and submit it to CSLB with the appropriate supporting documentation. In order to make the necessary arrangements to accommodate candidate needs, the form and supporting documentation should be submitted as soon as possible. As soon as the reasonable accommodation is approved, candidates may contact PSI Exams to schedule and pay for their examination(s).

Construction Management Education Account

A grant program was established in 1991 to provide funds for qualified public post-secondary schools that teach construction management. Applicants may voluntarily contribute to the account when paying the application fee or the license renewal fee. If you would like to make a voluntary contribution, please mark the box on the top portion of Page 1 of the application, write in the dollar amount in the space provided, and include that dollar amount in the total amount paid with your application, or submit a separate check or money order made payable to CSLB/Construction Management Education Account. (See BPC sections 7139.2 and 7139.4.)

Collection of Social Security Numbers, Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, and Federal Employer Identification Numbers

With the exception of the driver license number, all information requested on the application is mandatory, including disclosure of U.S. Social Security numbers (SSN), individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITIN), and federal employer identification numbers (FEIN). Collection of the SSN, ITIN, and FEIN is authorized by BPC sections 30, 31, and 7145.5. SSNs, ITINs, and FEINs are used exclusively for the purpose of tax enforcement, compliance with any judgment or order for family support in accordance with Family Code section 17520, measurement of employment outcomes of students who participate in career technical education programs offered by the California Community Colleges as required by BPC section 30, and investigation of tax evasion and violations of cash-pay reporting laws as set forth in Section 329 of the Unemployment Insurance Code. If you fail to disclose your SSN, ITIN, or FEIN, your application will not be processed and you will be reported to the Franchise Tax Board; they may assess a $100 penalty against you.

Collection of Personal Information

CSLB collects the personal information requested on the following form as authorized by BPC sections 30, 31, 114.5, 115.5, 141, 480, 7058.7, 7066, 7069, and 7145.5 and T16 CCR section 816. CSLB uses this information to identify and evaluate applicants for licensure, issue and renew licenses, and enforce licensing standards set by law and regulation. Submission of the requested information is mandatory. CSLB cannot consider your certification application unless you provide all of the requested information. You may review the records maintained by CSLB that contain your personal information, unless the records are identified as confidential information and exempted from disclosure by the Information Practices Act, including Civil Code section 1798.40. CSLB makes every effort to protect the personal information you provide us; however, it may be disclosed in response to a Public Records Act request as allowed by the Information Practices Act; to another government agency as required by state or federal law or as provided in Civil Code section 1798.24; or in response to a court or administrative order, a subpoena, or a search warrant. The Custodian of Records is responsible for maintaining the information on this form and may be contacted at the address and telephone number listed in the letterhead at the top of this General Information and Instructions portion for questions about this notice or access to records.

Application Processing - Follow Your Application Status Online

When CSLB receives your application, an acknowledgement letter will be sent to you that explains how to check the status of your application online at or by calling (800) 321-CSLB (2752) using the Application Fee Number and Personal Identification Number (PIN) provided in the acknowledgement letter.

Please include your Application Fee Number in any correspondence. All correspondence should be sent to:

Contractors State License Board
9821 Business Park Drive
Sacramento, CA 95827-1703
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 26000, Sacramento, CA 95826-0026

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Voluntary Contribution

Business Name

The full business name must be provided. Please refer to Section 1 of the General Information and Instructions for information on business name styles.

* Required Entry

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Qualifying Individual (Qualifier)

A qualifying individual is required for every classification on every license issued by CSLB. You must provide full legal names of all individuals. (See Section 2 of the General Information and Instructions for more information on completing this section.)

* Required Entry

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All questions in this section must be answered by the certification applicant only. If you checked "Yes" in response to any question, you must attach a separate sheet with a detailed explanation for each situation. Please refer to the General Information and Instructions for more information.

*Question 10

To the best of your knowledge, are you (or any company that you are or were a part of) named in or responsible for any unsatisfied final judgments, liens, and/or claims against any bond or cash deposit pertaining to a construction project?

If you checked "Yes" for this question, you are required to attach a statement identifying all judgments (pending or on record), liens, past due unpaid bills, claims, or suits and a detailed explanation of the situation. Include the names and addresses of the parties involved. If the obligation was or is being discharged in bankruptcy, attach a copy of the bankruptcy filing and a copy of the creditors list.

*Question 11

To the best of your knowledge, have you (or any company that you are or were a part of, or any immediate family member of the applicant) ever received a citation from CSLB or had a contractor license or other professional or vocational license or registration denied, suspended, revoked, or otherwise disciplined by this state or elsewhere (i.e., other U.S. state, U.S. territory, agency of the federal government, or other country)?

For the purposes of responding to this question, "disciplined" is an administrative action that resulted in a restriction or penalty being placed on any license you have or have possessed, such as a revocation, suspension, probation, or reprimand.

(Check "No" if the license or registration was suspended due to lack of a bond, workers' compensation or other required insurance, a qualifier, or family support.)

If you checked "Yes" for this question, you are required to attach a statement detailing the events leading to the CSLB citation or the license or registration being denied, suspended, revoked, or otherwise disciplined.

*Question 12

To the best of your knowledge, have you failed to resolve any outstanding final liabilities, which include taxes, additions to tax, penalties, interest, and any fees that may be assessed by CSLB, the Department of Industrial Relations, the Employment Development Department, the Franchise Tax Board, or the State Board of Equalization (BOE)?

If you checked "Yes" for this question, you are required to attach a statement regarding the outstanding liabilities. In relation to BOE liabilities, you must indicate if you have entered into an installment payment agreement for that liability with the BOE and provide verification that you are in compliance with the terms of that agreement, if applicable.

*Question 13

Are you serving in, or have you previously served in, the United States Armed Forces?

If you checked "Yes" for this question, please provide the following documentation:

  • Evidence of your current military duty (copy of your military orders) or your previous military service (copy of your latest DD 214 long form – Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty showing discharge status or Copy of Driver’s License with “Veteran” endorsement) or National Guard discharge (form NGB 22) or Reserves discharge (form DD 256). See instructions section under Military.

*Question 14

The CSLB will expedite the licensure process and waive the licensure fees charged by the board for an applicant who is the spouse of an active-duty member of the Armed Forces stationed in California who meets both of the following requirements:

Are you married to, or in a domestic partnership or other legal union with, an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is assigned to a duty station in California under official active duty military orders?


Do you hold a current license in another state, district, or territory of the United States in the profession or vocation for which you seek a license from the board?

If you checked “Yes” for this question, please provide documentation of current licensure AND, marriage, partnership or legal union AND active duty military orders as described in the instructions under Military.

If all required documentation is submitted with the application, the application fee and initial license fee will be waived. All other fees will still be required.

*Question 15

The examinations are administered in English. Will you require the use of a CSLB-approved translator?

*Question 16

Were you admitted to the United States of America under one of the circumstances described below?

1. Admitted as a refugee pursuant to section 1157 of title 8 of the United States Code; 2. Granted asylum by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the United States Attorney General pursuant to section 1158 of title 8 of the United States Code; 3. You have a special immigrant visa and were granted a status pursuant to section 1244 of Public Law 110-181, Public Law 109-163, or section 602(b) of title VI of division F of Public Law 111-8, relating to Iraqi and Afghan translators/interpreters or those who worked for or on behalf of the United States government.

If you checked “Yes” for this question, please provide documentation as described in the instructions page.


The State Board of Equalization and Franchise Tax Board may share taxpayer information with CSLB. You are obligated to pay your state tax obligation. CSLB may suspend or refuse to issue, reactivate, reinstate, or renew a license if your state tax obligation, child support obligation, or any outstanding final liability to CSLB, the Department of Industrial Relations, or the Employment Development Department is not paid. (BPC sections 30, 31, and 7145.5)

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Review and Edit

Please Review the Following Information

This is a summary of the information that will print on your form. If there are any corrections that need to be made, please choose the Edit button or Back button below to make the change now, as you will not have the opportunity to do so after you submit this page.




Agree To Complete

Pane 7

Completion Instructions

NOTICE: This document is not submitted to or saved by CSLB. You must either print it now, save it to your computer, or email it to your email address to print and mail at a later time.

Mail your document(s) along with the application to:

Contractors State License Board
P. O. Box 26000
Sacramento, CA 95826


Select the button below to view and print the document.

Note: If you have a problem opening the PDF file, click this link for some PDF file troubleshooting steps.

Email the PDF

You can email this document to your email address. This will contain the same document as in the pdf view and print link above.

This process does not save or submit your document to CSLB. If you email the document to your email address, you will still need to follow the instructions to print and mail it to the CSLB.


Once you have saved, printed, or emailed your document, you may proceed to fill out another document. If you would like to leave feedback about this Easy-Fill document, please follow this link to help us improve our system.