Summer 2018       |      David Fogt, Registrar      |      Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor


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Tools for Deterring Equipment Thieves

Construction tools and equipment become more advanced and valuable each year, making them easy targets for thieves looking to make a quick dollar off your property. CSLB is reminding contractors that taking precautionary measures can help alleviate theft of their costly items.

Tool boxes affixed to vehicles and storage containers housing equipment are magnets for lawbreakers that evidently use bolt cutters to remove security locks. These thieves target construction vehicles and worksites in the darkest hours of the night through early morning.

A small investment in security cameras and parking in well-lit areas can help protect vehicles and worksites and can also aid in catching unwanted robbers. With the use of surveillance footage, authorities might be able to identify suspects and their vehicles and use the tape as evidence for potential criminal conviction.

To further protect equipment, contractors might consider permanently labeling their items. One method includes engraving tools and equipment with a personal name, business name, or CSLB license number. The engraved information could ultimately lead to the tool's recovery or could deter thieves since they may have a difficult time grinding off the information.

Lastly, every power tool should be immediately logged by photo and serial number. By taking the time to inventory tools, you will have a record if something goes missing, which may help when filing insurance claims.

Contact your local non-emergency dispatch office to report questionable behavior.

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